请进入复赛的选手就对下面所给内容的理解,以Together for a shared future为题,自拟副标题,从某一视角阐述自己的观点,准备演讲稿并录制演讲视频(3分钟加减15秒,脱稿),视频同演讲稿一起打包上传至 guoshufa@bbmc.edu.cn,打包文件名为:姓名+学院+手机号码。截止日期3月20日。
From "one world, one
dream" to "together for a shared future", China has been
promoting the development of the Olympic Games, and helping the world unite
through sports. The Beijing Winter Olympics is the first international sports
event to be held on schedule since the pandemic broke out in early 2020. And in
more ways than one, the pandemic has made people across the world realize that
humankind has a shared destiny.